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Five Ways to Benefit Residential High-Rise Residents in a Post-Pandemic World

How can high-rise residential developments adapt to accommodate the shifting needs of residents in dense urban areas in the wake of physical distancing and sheltering-in-place?




隔离无疑改变了许多人的生活方式, 从那些住在农村独户住宅的人那里, 致那些居住在契约中的人, high-rise developments that so many urban dwellers find themselves living in. This change encourages a number of questions: What impact has the pandemic had on high-rise building dwellers? 我们从这次经历中学到了什么? What changes can we implement that would benefit residents should a pandemic like this occur in the future?

非接触式环境运动传感器, 钥匙扣启动了自动门, and barrier-free access buttons at common-area entrances present a few solutions for the post-pandemic future inside urban high-rise residences. These systems will help to alleviate concerns around high-touch areas, 包括共享设施和入口门. To provide safe and easy-to-live-in spaces, the following might also be considered:

  1. Elevator access­ – Elevators could be programmed to provide direct-to-floor destination capabilities that don’t stop to pick up additional passengers at unexpected floors. 另外, key fob access elevators could bring you directly to your floor, which would reduce the need to physically press a button every time you enter the elevator.
  2. Working from home – Amenity areas could be designed flexibly to support co-working. Shared spaces should also be designed to accommodate adequate physical distancing and should be equipped with the capability to book a workspace in advance.
  3. Staying active – A booking system could be implemented to allow yoga rooms and shared fitness facilities to remain open when external facilities are closed. A strict and visible cleaning protocol between uses would be critical in this case.
  4. Deliveries – Existing receiving and storage facilities could be updated to avoid queues and accommodate more efficient parcel pick up. Considerations could include the addition of refrigerated storage, access to a drop-off area that does not require delivery personnel to walk through amenity areas, 和额外的包裹存储空间.
  5. Residents banding together – Apps that allow volunteers to sign up and provide aid to neighbours who are unable to run errands alone could be utilized. In addition to helping those in need, a shared sense of community would benefit all residents.

As residents continue to adapt to ever-changing pandemic protocols, the focus for the future will be the flexibility of residential buildings to accommodate these changes. 随着公共场所重新开放的缓慢, 以及高峰时段电梯拥堵的最终回归, 谨慎的做法是考虑住公寓和共管公寓的人, 还有他们称之为家的空间, 能否应对不断变化的挑战.

詹妮弗·莱姆有着高度发达的概念技能, 规划能力, 还有对装饰和细节的敏锐眼光, as evidenced by her work on the Edition Hotels in Miami and Waikiki, 广州的新世界饭店, 和圣. 墨西哥城的瑞吉斯酒店. Her ability to document and detail the interior environment is integral to her role in developing the firm’s hospitality and residential interiors practice, 她目前正在为明托的约克维尔公园工作, 博物馆的房子, 和谐村和尼泰什庄园, 在其他项目中.


写的 詹妮弗Lem

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